Thursday, September 30, 2021

How to get in shape? We improve physical fitness and strengthen the body!

 How to get in shape? We improve physical fitness and strengthen the body!

Are you thinking about playing sports? Fine! With regular exercise, you will become stronger, more enduring and leaner. However, if you have previously been far from any kind of sport, the body needs to be prepared for stress and improve its physical fitness. This is what the article will be about.

Why is good physical fitness so important?

Free and available to everyone


Morning work-out




Fitness with an instructor and in a group

General physical fitness (GPT) can be based on any type of physical exercise - fitness, gymnastics, aerobics, running, team games, swimming, martial arts, etc. Priority can be given to anyone. 

Why is good physical fitness so important? ↑

Physical training allows you to prevent diseases and injuries, deviations in physical condition and development, reduces the decline in performance, accelerates the recovery of spent nervous and muscle energy.

check your fitness

Most important thing for physical traning is to ready your mind that you can do it over long period of times

Do not think about it that it was so lengthy process.  strengting your body quickly is not all thing it can be done step by step,day by day,just you have to do concentrate your work ,day to day you will become stronger , you will become more stronger, slimmer, more enduring. If you go to lead a healthy and athletic lifestyle, you need to strengthen your own physical fitness.

How to choose the best time to exercise?  

In order not to undermine the body - and only we ourselves are responsible for our health - we need to consciously approach both sports and our well-being and sensations.

Before starting to engage in any sport (swimming, fitness, running, etc.), we strongly recommend that you see your doctor. In 2021 you can easily get recommendation . Check if your cardiovascular system is normal, if there are any pathologies or chronic diseases, if your joints and spine are in order.

Regular physical activity strengthens critical body systems and reduces the risk of dangerous diseases.

Free and available to everyone ↑

The activities listed below are suitable for people aged 16–75.


Don't underestimate the importance and usefulness of walking. This everyday activity is not only enjoyable but also very rewarding. This is also a load. It is free and available to everyone, regardless of age and degree of employment. And especially for those who are overweight. Such people need to start with walking, because more active, intense, physically and difficult exercises with extra 20-30 + kilograms are contraindicated - they load the heart too much and there is a high probability of injury to the knee joints.

Try to walk as much as possible. Go up and down on foot instead of an elevator (if you are seriously overweight - just go down!). If you need to go to the store, do not get into the car (you can ride a bike). Walking 15 minutes isn't difficult, is it?

The daily rate of human motor activity, in terms of steps, is 10,000 steps. This is a two hour walk.

Walking strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, gives the muscles tone. For those who are preoccupied with counting calories: 2 hours of measured walk burns about 350 calories at an average weight. If you are overweight, more.

Morning exercises ↑

Also available to everyone. You can set aside 5-15 minutes to warm up, can't you? No need to be lazy, you have everything for morning exercises. No dumbbells, horizontal bars, fitballs are needed (but it's good if you have them), a rug may come in handy.

Morning warm-up exercises should become a habit. Let's start with an example of a 5-minute charge. For each exercise, 30 seconds are allotted (this is an average of 10-15 approaches), plus 10 seconds for rest and changing positions.

1. Warm-up 

2. Warm-up - jumping with raising arms

3. Squats (deep or half squats)

4. Push-ups (from the floor or from the wall, if it is difficult from the floor)

5. Rise on a chair

6. Push-ups with a twist

7. Twisting (possible with turning the body)

8. Ending (hitch) - horizontal bar

After such a charge, you have already woken up, you feel cheerful. Muscles are toned, blood runs briskly through the veins.

The app stores for Apple, Android and Windows offer free workout programs for 5, 7, 10 or 15 minutes (for example: Workout Trfiner, Seven, 7 minutes, Daily Workout, 7 min Full Workout, etc.). They are all with timers and exercise examples. You

If you want fitness& health products


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